Services for Passengers with Disabilities
MTD offers many services for passengers with disabilities. In addition to the list below, passengers may also contact Easy Lift, the provider of paratransit service for persons who are unable to ride MTD buses due to a disability. Please call Easy Lift at 805.681.1181 if you think you may qualify.
Wheelchair accessibility
All MTD buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramps and can accommodate all wheelchairs and three-wheeled scooters that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines.
For your safety, please back on to the ramp when boarding the bus, if possible. Many bus stops are wheelchair accessible and are marked as such with a blue wheelchair symbol.
Drivers can only operate the wheelchair ramp at stops where it is safe to do so. To locate those bus stops that are fully ADA compliant, please visit the Maps & Schedules pages. Fully compliant stops are marked with a bullet. (•)
If you are unsure how to ride the bus, please call the MTD/Easy Lift Mobility Coordinator at 805.681.1181. Arrangements can be made to practice boarding and departing in private.

Mobility Passes:
Reduced fare & medical ID cards
Passengers with disabilities may be eligible for the Mobility Pass, a reduced fare to ride MTD buses.
To obtain a reduced fare MTD photo ID card, passengers must have an application completed by a qualified physician or an MTD-certified social service agency. You may download an application here, or get one at the MTD Transit Center, or call 805.963.3366 for more information.
Passengers may also present a disabled photo ID card from another transit agency, a valid Medicare ID card, or a valid California DMV Disabled Placard Receipt to receive a reduced fare.
If the photo ID card is lost, a replacement fee of $5.00 will be charged. The pass for persons with disabilities is called the Mobility Pass.
Visually impaired passengers
All transfer point bus stops and major intersections are announced by onboard annunciators. Additionally, as the bus approaches a transfer point bus stop, the onboard annunciator announces the bus line number, which is heard externally by waiting passengers. The bus driver will also announce any other stops on request.
The Schedule Guide is available in large print at Santa Barbara’s Braille Institute 805. 682.6222, and at the Transit Center.
Telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD)
Users of TDD systems for hearing and speech impairment may receive schedule information by calling 805.681.1181 between 8 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 5 pm daily.
You may also dial 711 to access California Relay Service.
All buses can be lowered at the push of a button by the driver to make it easier to board.
Service animals such as guide dogs may ride the bus. All service animals must be under the control of their owner and either sit on the floor out of the aisle or be held on the passenger’s lap.
Contacting MTD’s Americans with Disabilities Act Representative
Santa Barbara
Metropolitan Transit District
550 Olive Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101