Santa Barbara MTD Adopts Goal for 100% Zero-Emissions Fleet by 2030

Santa Barbara MTD’s Board of Directors has adopted a goal of a 100 percent zero-emissions fleet by the year 2030.

Santa Barbara MTD has long been a forerunner in the battery-electric bus space, having run the first electric bus fleet in the United States back in 1991. MTD still boasts the second largest active electric bus fleet in California with 14 fully battery-electric buses out of a total fleet of 112.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is expected to adopt new Innovative Clean Transit Standards in 2019, mandating phased future purchasing of buses for California transit operators be zero-emission. The goal MTD adopted today would meet those requirements on a faster schedule.

“We are committed to making this happen. The whole team at Santa Barbara MTD is proud of our pioneering work in battery-electric transit, and we look forward to continuing to lead the industry towards a zero-emissions future,” said Jerry Estrada, General Manager of Santa Barbara MTD.

“Meeting this goal will be a challenge, but our partners in the region and in the transit industry have made a commitment to helping us get there. The MTD Board of Directors knows that it is the right thing to do for our agency, our community, and our planet,” said MTD Board Chair Dave Davis.

Michael Chiacos, Director of Energy and Climate Programs at Community Environmental Council lauded the goal adoption, saying, “Community Environmental Council congratulates Santa Barbara MTD for continuing their electric bus leadership with this 100% electric bus goal. Zero emission electric buses powered by renewable energy will be cleaner for our air, quieter for our neighborhoods, and show the world we can lead on climate change solutions. CEC hopes MTD’s leadership will spur other fleets and the public to consider electric vehicles, which are now surprisingly affordable and available in dozens of models.”

“We salute the MTD board for adopting a 100% electric bus goal. Diesel pollution causes cancer, asthma and contributes to climate change. It is particularly important to show a commitment to carbon-free transportation now as California grapples with a year-round fire season driven by climate change,” said Katie Davis, Sierra Club Santa Barbara Group Chair. “By setting this goal, MTD can plan this transition, build the necessary charging infrastructure, send a market signal to bus manufacturers, and set Santa Barbara on the path to 100% clean, quiet electric buses powered by 100% renewable energy.”

August 2020 Service Changes


service change webinar graphic

MTD will hold a webinar on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to explain upcoming service changes that will go into effect on Monday, August 17, 2020.

Members of the public can participate in 3 ways:

Watch via MTD’s Youtube Channel at

Watch via Zoom webinar at:

Listen in to the Zoom webinar by dialing: (669) 900-6833, entering Meeting ID: 990 3495 3310, then passcode:

Individuals using the Zoom webinar feature will be able to ask questions in a brief question and answer session during the webinar.

The webinar will be recorded and will be available for viewing afterwards.

The service changes going into effect include the following:

Minor schedule changes for Lines 12x, 20, 24x & 27 for better on-time performance

Elimination of one weeknight late trip on the inbound Line 7

Minor routing changes and stop additions on booster Lines 2630, 2660, & 2740

Continued suspension of Lines 10, 16, 30, 34, 36, & 37 due to continued COVID-19 service level impacts

Questions? Call 805-963-3364 x 218 or email

spanish service change webinar graphic

MTD realizará un seminario web el jueves 23 de julio de 2020 a partir de las 5:30 p.m. a las 7:00 p.m. para explicar los próximos cambios en el servicio que entrarán en vigencia el lunes 17 de agosto de 2020.

Los miembros del público pueden participar de 3 maneras:

Mire a través del canal de YouTube de MTD en

Mire a través del webinar Zoom en:

Escuche el seminario web de Zoom marcando: (669) 900-6833, marcando la ID de la reunión: 990 3495 3310, luego el código de acceso: 012771

Las personas que utilicen la función de seminario web de Zoom podrán hacer preguntas en una breve sesión de preguntas y respuestas durante el seminario web.

El seminario web se grabará y estará disponible para su visualización posterior.

Los cambios de servicio que entran en vigencia incluyen lo siguiente:

Cambios menores en el horario de las Líneas 12x, 20, 24x, & 27 para un mejor rendimiento a tiempo

Eliminación de un viaje nocturno entrante en la Línea 7 en las día laborables

Pequeños cambios de ruta y paradas adicionales en las Líneas “booster” 2630, 2660 y 2740

Suspensión continua de las Líneas 10, 16, 30, 34, 36 y 37 debido a los continuos impactos del nivel de servicio COVID-19

¿Preguntas? Llame al 805-963-3364 x218 o enviar un email

Video of Service Change Webinar



This survey is to get feedback from the community–current, former, and (hopefully) future bus riders. With COVID-19 changing so much about how our community lives, works, plays, and travels, we want to hear your current take on transit.

This survey also contains details on August service changes.

The survey should only take 5 minutes to complete.

This survey closes on Sunday, July 16, 2020.

Questions? Call 805-963-3364 x218 or email THE SURVEY IN ENGLISH

MTD necesita escuchar sus comentarios! Complete nuestra encuesta comunitaria hoy.

Esta encuesta es para obtener los pensamientos de la comunidad: actuales, anteriores y (con suerte) futuros pasajeros de autobuses. Con COVID-19 cambiando tanto sobre cómo vive, trabaja, juega y viaja nuestra comunidad, queremos escuchar su opinión actual sobre el tránsito.

Esta encuesta también contiene detalles sobre los cambios en el servicio de agosto.

La encuesta solo debe tomar 5 minutos para completar.

Esta encuesta se cierra el domingo 19 de julio de 2020.

Preguntas? Llame al 805-963-3364 x218 o envíe un correo electrónico a LA ENCUESTA EN ESPAÑOL



Every year MTD hosts a Youth Art Poster Contest in the spring, with several after school programs participating. Due to COVID-19 related closures of these programs, the Art Contest was postponed. We are excited to announce the contest is now available online!

The contest is open to all students, 1st through 6th grade, in South Santa Barbara County.

Contest Dates: May 22nd to July 31st, 2020

All posters must be created on the official MTD template with an entry form accompanied (Links below).  More than one entry per student is allowed, but no more than three submissions per student, please.

Students must create their own original artwork – no copyrighted clip art, computer generated graphics, or copyrighted characters. Any art medium can be used (paint, crayon, colored markers, pencils, etc.) but remember that bright, solid colors will reproduce better.  No glued on pieces, please.

Posters must reflect the theme of the contest: Outdoor Adventure Buses

Some ideas can include bus stops, bus designs, places the bus goes, etc.  Use your imagination!

Imagine somewhere exciting, draw places you've always wanted to go, or places you love going to on the bus! outdoor adventures [image description: an MTD bus with a headsign reading "Bus Following" lurks behind a tiger; other image: an MTD bus drives through desert sand dunes]

Turn in your completed artwork by scanning and emailing artwork to or by mailing to Santa Barbara MTD at 550 Olive Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. The signed entry form must be included or the artwork will be disqualified.

Judging will be based on the following criteria:

Originality and Creativity

Overall visual appeal

Keeping with the theme Outdoor Adventure Buses”

The winners will receive a prize and have their artwork reproduced and displayed on the interior of the MTD bus fleet for an entire year. See below photos for some fun “outdoor adventure” inspiration.

For more information, call 805-963-3364 x233 or email

MTD Template

Entry Form


SANTA BARBARA—Beginning Friday, May 22nd, 2020, Santa Barbara MTD will increase the number of passengers allowed on board all MTD buses.

As the County of Santa Barbara has received approval to move into the later stages of Phase 2, allowing certain businesses to reopen, demand for bus service will continue to increase.

To that end, effective Friday, May 22nd, 2020, load limits will be increased as follows: 15 passengers on a 40 foot bus and 10 passengers on a 30 foot bus. These amounts are still less than half of a fully seated busload. Though these allowable loads are increasing, a bus may pass up a person waiting at a bus stop if the amount of passengers onboard has already reached the limit.

Many transit agencies around the state and in the Central Coast region have been operating at these same capacities for several months. Passengers are asked to maintain 6 feet physical distance from the bus operator and other passengers on the bus.

In order to minimize contact between bus operators and passengers at the front door and farebox area, passengers are still directed to use the rear door of the bus for boarding and alighting. Passengers using mobility devices or who need the ramp will be allowed to board and alight from the front door of the vehicle. MTD is still not collecting fares at this time.

Other items to note:

  • Any individuals feeling ill and/or experiencing any of the following symptoms should not board the bus: fever, cough, shortness of breath
  • Face coverings or masks are still required of passengers and bus operators
  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols continue
  • Suspension of fare collection continues


SANTA BARBARA—Due to social distancing guidelines, and Governor Newsom’s executive order allowing virtual meetings of local government decision-making bodies, Santa Barbara MTD will be conducting its first virtual Board of Directors meeting on next Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.

The board agenda and packet have been posted at this link. While there will be no in person public comment, there are several ways for the public to participate.

Watch the Board Meeting Live

We encourage you to watch via the livestream on the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District YouTube channel which can be found at at the time of the meeting. The livestream will also be embedded on our website on the Current Board Agenda page, found here:

If you miss the meeting, a recording will be posted on the YouTube channel afterwards. A link to that video will be included in the meeting minutes when posted.

Participation by E-mail

Public comment on agenda items can be submitted by emailing Please submit written comments by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Board of Directors Meeting for advanced distribution to the Board of Directors. Comments emailed during the meeting will be read aloud by the clerk as long as they are submitted prior to the close of the agenda item they pertain to and that the reading does not exceed three minutes. Please state in your e-mail that you would like your comments “read into the record”. Email comments received after an agenda item will be placed into the record and distributed appropriately.

Participation by Zoom Webinar

Individuals wishing to view and provide public comment during the Board meeting through the Zoom application may join by clicking this link at the appointed time:

Members of the public wishing to be called on for public comment should click the “Raise Hand” button only when the item they wish to speak on has begun. When the chair calls for public comment, the clerk will announce you and will unmute your microphone. Comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. The public will not be able to share their video or screen.

Participation by Phone

Individuals wishing to give public comment via phone are asked to call the number below at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting at 8:30 a.m.

  1. Dial-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting (8:30 a.m.):

Dial-in: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 959 6715 8209 then #, when prompted for a participant ID, press #, and when prompted for a meeting password, dial 956284 then #.

  1. PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE UNTIL YOU ARE CALLED TO SPEAK. If you do not have a mute button, you may mute by pressing the star key followed by the number six (*6). You can unmute by pressing the same keys (*6). To “raise your hand” on the phone, dial *9 when the item you wish to speak on has begun. When the chair calls for public comment, the clerk will announce you and you will unmute your microphone. Comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker.


(El mensaje sigue en Español.)

SANTA BARBARA—Beginning Friday, May 1st, 2020, MTD will require that all passengers wear a cloth face covering or mask in order to ride an MTD bus.  A grace period through Tuesday, May 5th will be granted to provide the public with time to obtain an appropriate face covering.

Face coverings are important in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19, as individuals may be spreading the virus even though they may not show symptoms. Medical grade masks are not required—a simple bandana, scarf, or homemade cloth mask that covers the nose and mouth is sufficient. Face coverings are also not a replacement for maintaining 6 feet of physical distance from others, and they must remain over the nose and mouth during the entire trip.

While continuing to provide essential service to our community, the safety and wellbeing of our passengers and employees is the foremost consideration of MTD. MTD has consistently followed, and at times exceeded, the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and local Public Health officials. To that end, enhanced cleaning protocols have been implemented since early March. These protocols include nightly disinfecting of all high-touch surfaces in buses with a hospital-grade disinfectant.

To support physical distancing between our drivers and the public, in mid-March MTD voluntarily instituted rear door boarding and is not currently collecting fares. There is also a greatly reduced maximum occupancy limit on board the buses.


SÁNTA BÁRBARA— A partir del viernes 1 de mayo de 2020, MTD requerirá que todos los pasajeros usen una cubierta facial de tela o máscara para viajar en un autobús del MTD. Se otorgará un período de gracia hasta el martes 5 de mayo para proporcionar al público tiempo para obtener una cubierta adecuada.

Las cubiertas faciales son importantes para ayudar a detener la propagación de COVID-19, ya que las personas pueden estar propagando el virus aunque no muestren síntomas. No se requieren máscaras de grado médico; una simple pañuelo, bufanda o una máscara de tela casera que cubra la nariz y la boca es suficiente. Las cubiertas faciales tampoco no son un reemplazo para mantener una distancia física de 6 pies de distancia de los demás, y deben permanecer sobre la nariz y la boca durante todo el viaje.

Mientras continuamos proporcionando un servicio esencial a nuestra comunidad, la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros pasajeros y empleados es la consideración principal de MTD. MTD ha seguido constantemente, y en ocasiones excedido, las recomendaciones de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades y los funcionarios locales de Salud Pública. Con ese fin, se han implementado protocolos de limpieza mejorados desde principios de marzo. Estos protocolos incluyen la desinfección nocturna de todas las superficies de alto contacto en autobuses con un desinfectante de grado hospitalario.

Para apoyar el distanciamiento físico entre nuestros conductores y el público, a mediados de marzo MTD instituyó voluntariamente el abordaje de la puerta trasera y actualmente no está cobrando tarifas. También hay un límite de ocupación máxima muy reducido a bordo de los autobuses.


SANTA BARBARA—As part of the ongoing renovation of Santa Barbara MTD’s Transit Center in Downtown Santa Barbara, the next phase of the project will require a sidewalk closure. This closure will begin on Thursday, April 30, 2020.

The public sidewalk, curb, and gutters will be replaced on the east side of the 1000 block of Chapala Street in the area between the Temporary Transit Center facilities and the exit driveway to City Lot 3. In order to facilitate this work, the sidewalk will be closed between Carrillo Street and the Temporary Transit Center facilities. This closure is expected to last approximately 4 weeks.

Additionally, the bus Lines 3 and 20 that generally load and unload in Zone A (in front of the old Greyhound property, near the corner of Carrillo and Chapala) will be moved to Zone D (area near Riley’s Flowers just past Figueroa Street). These changes will be in effect all days of the week and all times of day. Pedestrians looking to reach the temporary Transit Center and Zones B, C and D will need to approach via at the Figueroa intersection with Chapala Street.

For more information about the Transit Center Renovation project, please visit the project website at


(El mensaje sigue en español.)

SANTA BARBARA—Effective Monday, April 6, 2020, Santa Barbara MTD will be lowering service levels further in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This reduction is due to the Governor’s continued stay at home order intended to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases, reduced ridership, and MTD workforce constraints.

These reductions are in addition to the ones enacted as of March 19, 2020, on several lines associated with area educational institutions, in light of these schools ceasing campus operations for the remaining 2019-20 school year. Those reductions included the following:

Line 15x (SBCC/UCSB Express)- No service

Line 16 (SBCC Shuttle)- No service

Line 28 (UCSB Shuttle)- No service

Booster services- No service

Line 27 (Isla Vista Shuttle)- Alternative “UCSB out” service as published in the schedule guide and online

These service reductions will continue until further notice.

In addition to the reductions above, additional service reductions will occur. Beginning the morning of Monday, April 6, 2020, the following additional service changes will go into effect, until further notice:

Line 10 (Cathedral Oaks)- No service

Line 30 (Downtown Shuttle)- No service

Line 34 (Waterfront Shuttle)- No service

Line 36 (Seaside Shuttle)- No service

Line 37 (Crosstown Shuttle)- No service

These lines serve areas in Goleta, Santa Barbara, and Carpinteria, but all three areas will still have active transit service. Passengers with questions about schedules and affected routes can call (805) 963-3366 for assistance.

Social Distancing and Loads on Buses

In order to minimize contact between bus operators and passengers at the front door and farebox area, passengers are directed to use the rear door of the bus for boarding and alighting. Passengers using mobility devices or who need the ramp will be allowed to board and alight from the front door of the vehicle. Because of this, MTD is not currently collecting fares.

In an additional effort to maintain social distancing onboard all MTD buses, strict load limits are in place at this time. Drivers are limiting loads to the following: 8 passengers on a 40 foot bus and 5 passengers on a 30 foot bus. Due to this load restriction, a bus may pass up a person waiting at a bus stop if the amount of passengers onboard has already reached the limit.

Transit Center Customer Service

Customer Service functions are still available via phone at (805) 963-3366, and electronically via email to, the website, and all MTD social media channels (@santabarbaramtd on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram).

Customer service still operates on normal Transit Center business hours (Monday through Friday, 6am to 7pm, and weekends, 9am to 5pm), At this time there are no walk-up sales, person-to-person transactions, or Ticket Vending Machines available at the Transit Center.

The public is reminded to stay home if they are sick, follow proper health hygiene practices, and maintain appropriate social distance on buses, at the Transit Center, and at bus stops. Due to the Governor’s stay at home order, only people making essential trips or going to work in essential industries should be riding the bus at this time.


SÁNTA BÁRBARA—A partir del lunes 6 de abril de 2020, el MTD de Santa Bárbara reducirá aún más los niveles de servicio a la luz de la pandemia de COVID-19. Esta reducción se debe a la orden continua de permanencia en el hogar del Gobernador destinada a aplanar la curva de los casos de COVID-19, la reducción de pasajeros y las limitaciones de la fuerza laboral de MTD.

Estas reducciones se suman a las promulgadas a partir del 19 de marzo de 2020, en varias líneas asociadas con las instituciones educativas del área, a la luz de que estas escuelas cesen las operaciones del campus durante el año escolar 2019-20 restante. Esas reducciones incluyeron lo siguiente:

Línea 15x (SBCC/UCSB Express)- Sin servicio

Línea 16 (SBCC Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Línea 28 (UCSB Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Servicios “booster”- Sin servicio

Línea 27 (Isla Vista Shuttle)- Servicio alternativo “UCSB out” como se publica en la guía de horarios y en el sitio web

Estas reducciones de servicio continuarán hasta nuevo aviso.

Además de las reducciones anteriores, se producirán reducciones de servicio adicionales. A partir de la mañana del lunes 6 de abril de 2020, los siguientes cambios de servicio adicionales entrarán en vigencia, hasta nuevo aviso:

Línea 10 (Cathedral Oaks)- Sin servicio

Línea 30 (Downtown Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Línea 34 (Waterfront Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Línea 36 (Seaside Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Línea 37 (Crosstown Shuttle)- Sin servicio

Estas líneas sirven áreas en Goleta, Santa Bárbara y Carpinteria, pero las tres áreas tendrán todavía el servicio de tránsito. Los pasajeros con preguntas sobre horarios y rutas afectadas pueden llamar al (805) 963-3366 para obtener ayuda.

Distanciamiento social y cargas en autobuses

Para minimizar el contacto entre los operadores de autobuses y los pasajeros en la puerta delantera y en el área de la caja de tarifas, los pasajeros deben usar la puerta trasera del autobús para subir y bajar. Los pasajeros que utilicen dispositivos de movilidad o que necesiten la rampa podrán subir y bajar desde la puerta delantera del vehículo. Debido a esto, MTD no está cobrando tarifas actualmente.

En un esfuerzo adicional por mantener el distanciamiento social a bordo de todos los autobuses MTD, en este momento existen límites estrictos de carga. Los conductores están limitando las cargas a lo siguiente: 8 pasajeros en un autobús de 40 pies y 5 pasajeros en un autobús de 30 pies. Debido a esta restricción de carga, un autobús puede pasar una persona que espera en una parada de autobús, si la cantidad de pasajeros a bordo ya ha alcanzado el límite.

Servicio al cliente del Centro de Tránsito

Las funciones de servicio al cliente todavía están disponibles por teléfono al (805) 963-3366, y electrónicamente por correo electrónico a, el sitio web y todos los canales de redes sociales MTD (@santabarbaramtd en Twitter, Facebook y Instagram).

El servicio al cliente todavía funciona en el horario comercial normal del Centro de Tránsito (de lunes a viernes de 6 a.m. a 7 p.m. y los fines de semana de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m.). En este momento no hay ventas directas, transacciones de persona a persona o máquinas expendedoras de boletos disponibles en el Centro de Tránsito.

Se le recuerda al público que se quede en casa si está enfermo, siga las prácticas de higiene adecuadas y mantenga una distancia social adecuada en los autobuses, en el Centro de Tránsito y en las paradas de autobús. Debido a la orden de permanencia en el hogar del gobernador, solo las personas que realizan viajes esenciales o que van a trabajar en industrias esenciales deben viajar en el autobús en este momento.

Service Alert – Reduced Service in Effect


Because of school closures due to the COVID-19 situation, the following service reductions have gone into effect as of Thursday, March 19, 2020:

  • Line 27- On Alternate “UCSB Out” Schedule
  • Booster Services- No Service
  • As of Monday, April 6, 2020, the following service reductions will go into effect:
  • Line 10- No Service
  • Line 30- No Service
  • Line 34- No Service
  • Line 36- No Service
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