SANTA BARBARA—Due to social distancing guidelines, and Governor Newsom’s executive order allowing virtual meetings of local government decision-making bodies, Santa Barbara MTD will be conducting its first virtual Board of Directors meeting on next Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
The board agenda and packet have been posted at this link. While there will be no in person public comment, there are several ways for the public to participate.
Watch the Board Meeting Live
We encourage you to watch via the livestream on the Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District YouTube channel which can be found at at the time of the meeting. The livestream will also be embedded on our website on the Current Board Agenda page, found here:
If you miss the meeting, a recording will be posted on the YouTube channel afterwards. A link to that video will be included in the meeting minutes when posted.
Participation by E-mail
Public comment on agenda items can be submitted by emailing Please submit written comments by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Board of Directors Meeting for advanced distribution to the Board of Directors. Comments emailed during the meeting will be read aloud by the clerk as long as they are submitted prior to the close of the agenda item they pertain to and that the reading does not exceed three minutes. Please state in your e-mail that you would like your comments “read into the record”. Email comments received after an agenda item will be placed into the record and distributed appropriately.
Participation by Zoom Webinar
Individuals wishing to view and provide public comment during the Board meeting through the Zoom application may join by clicking this link at the appointed time:
Members of the public wishing to be called on for public comment should click the “Raise Hand” button only when the item they wish to speak on has begun. When the chair calls for public comment, the clerk will announce you and will unmute your microphone. Comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. The public will not be able to share their video or screen.
Participation by Phone
Individuals wishing to give public comment via phone are asked to call the number below at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting at 8:30 a.m.
- Dial-in 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting (8:30 a.m.):
Dial-in: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 959 6715 8209 then #, when prompted for a participant ID, press #, and when prompted for a meeting password, dial 956284 then #.
- PLEASE MUTE YOUR PHONE UNTIL YOU ARE CALLED TO SPEAK. If you do not have a mute button, you may mute by pressing the star key followed by the number six (*6). You can unmute by pressing the same keys (*6). To “raise your hand” on the phone, dial *9 when the item you wish to speak on has begun. When the chair calls for public comment, the clerk will announce you and you will unmute your microphone. Comments from the public are limited to 3 minutes per speaker.