Santa Barbara MTD held the 5th Annual Youth Art Poster Contest this spring in Grades 1 through 6 with a theme of “Celebration Buses” to recognize MTD’s 50th Anniversary year. With over 85 entries, MTD employees voted on the winners, and the winning works of art will be featured inside MTD buses for the next year.
Participating sites include local elementary schools and libraries from Goleta to Carpinteria, the Isla Vista Youth Projects, Carpinteria Boys & Girls Club, City of Santa Barbara RAP Program, Girls, Inc., and the Downtown Santa Barbara Boys & Girls Club.
1st-3rd Grade Winners
1st Place- Alexandria Dueñas, 2nd Grade, Aliso School
2nd Place- Anisia Kourakis, 2nd Grade, Adams Elementary School
3rd Place- Mia Desales, 2nd Grade, Isla Vista Elementary School
Honorable Mention- Sirena Guzik, 1st Grade, Monte Vista Elementary School
4th-6th Grade Winners
1st Place- Emma Hayden – 5th Grade, Coastline Christian Academy
2nd Place- Natalie & Lila Warren & Audrey Garfield, 5th Grade, Isla Vista Elementary School
3rd Place- Sagarika Manian, 6th Grade, Ellwood Elementary School
Honorable Mention- Edward Perko, 4th Grade, Adams Elementary School